43 research outputs found

    Dynamics of the Corruption Eradication in Indonesia

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    The paper discusses an important aspect of the complexity of corruption eradication in Indonesia. Corruption eradication is practically not merely about law enforcement, but also related to social, economic, and political aspects of the nation. By extracting the data from national news media and implement models describing the sentiment relations among political actors, the connection between balance of the sentiment among political elites and the critical levels of the investigation and law enforcement is apparently demonstrated. The focus group discussions among experts, practitioners, and social activists confirm the model

    Coalitions in Multiparty System: Empirical Reflection of the Indonesian Regional Elections \ud

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    A lot of changing in recent Indonesian political dynamics with eventual fact shows how political recruitment for legislative and executive chairs in national as well as regional levels in direct voting systems have brought the patterns of coalitions among political parties into interesting focus of observation. We evaluate the Regional Elections data held since June 2005 to September 2008 as election matrix. The matrix is then transformed into the ultrametric space yielding the hierarchical trees based on proximity on inter-party coalition. We represent the distance of coalitions among political parties based on the activity in regional elections and contrasting the findings with some nation-wide facts of the respective properties. The observations draws how Indonesian voters are failed to be segregated into any extreme political and ideological streams but the combinations among the existing and widely-recognized ones

    Some Inquiries to Spontaneous Opinions: A case with Twitter in Indonesia \ud

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    The paper discusses opportunities to utilize the series of micro-blogs as provided by the Twitter in observation of opinion dynamics. The spontaneity of tweets is more, as the service is attached more to the mobile communications. The extraction of information in the series of tweets is demonstrated as in conceptual map and mention map. From the latter, the social network stylized properties, i.e.: power law distribution is shown. The exemplification of the methodology is on the 82nd commemoration of Indonesian Youth Pledge and the participatory movement of Indonesian capitol city, Jakarta

    The Dynamics of Political Parties’ Coalition in Indonesia:\ud The evaluation of political party elites’ opinion

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    During the Indonesian president election process, the coalition of parties could be shown as the dominant process beside the president campaign. The coalition could be regarded as the emergence of the parties’ preferential coherence based upon the interest and attributes of each party. The similarity and difference of parties’ preference and attributes could be depicted through of party elites’ opinions and attitude toward flowered political issues. In this paper, we use the Heider’s balance theory to construct relation network among parties by using the longitudinal news data of the party elite’s opinion that published by the media, and then analyze the dynamic of coalition formation in the Indonesian political system during the election process. We have shown that the balance of the party’s relational network move toward the larger balance index relative to the initial condition. This phenomenon has verified the structural balance hypothesis especially for the conflict situation such as the election process. Interestingly, the balance of the system is fluctuated dynamically through time following certain trajectory. This dynamics is divided into 3 phases, that is, disorder state, conflict state, and order state, as well as signed the difference of party behavior before and after the legislative election. Moreover, we also analyzed the stability two parties’ relation in particular period in order to understand specifically the dynamic of the system in triadic level


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    Internet yang menjadi sarana komunikasi dan interaksi yang utama bagi masyarakat dari berbagai kalangan telah membawa banyak perubahan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari manusia. Selain memberikan dampak positif, internet juga membawa dampak negatif terutama bagi perkembangan dan pertumbuhan otak remaja dan anak-anak terkait dengan masalah pornografi. Efek paparan yang paling banyak dirasakan adalah adiksi atau kecanduan. Kecanduan pornografi adalah perilaku yang tidak normal dimana seseprang mengalami kepuasasn seksual yang lebih banyak melalui literatur dan gambar-gambar pornografi. Pada penelitian ini akan direkonstruksi model matematika kecanduan pornografi dengan membagi menjadi empat populasi, yaitu individu yang rentan terhadap pornografi (S), individu yang terpapar pornografi (E), individu yang kecanduan pornografi (A), dan individu yang sembuh dari kecanduan pornografi (R). Berdasarkan model yang sudah direkonstruksi maka dihasilkan dua titik kesetimbangan, yaitu titik kesetimbangan bebas kecanduan dengan nilai Z0 = (m/k;0;0;0) dan titik kesetimbangan endemik dengan nilai Z1 = (5,24; 1,55; 0,08; 20,4) selanjutnya dengan menuntukan bilangan reporoduksi dasar (R0) dengan menggunakan Next Generation Matrix (NGM) dengan nilai  dan mengalisis kestabilannya menggunakan nilai eigen dan kestabilan Routh-Hurwitz. Titik Kesetimbangan bebas kecanduan bersifat stabil asimtotik jika dan hanya jika R0<1, sedangkan titik kesetimbangan endemik bersifat stabil asimtotik jika dan hanya jika R0>1. Dilakukan simulasi numerik menggunakan python dengan nilai awal dan parameter dari data yang diambil dari kuisioner online. Hasil dari simulasi numerik didapatkan bahwa pada model kecanduan pornografi di kalangan pelajar dan mahasiswa terjadi endemik dengan nilai.R0=1,36

    Optimasi Ekstraksi dan Karakterisasi Senyawa Fenolik Daun Pletekan (Ruellia Tuberosa L.) Berbantu Gelombang Mikro menggunakan Response Surface Methodology

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    World Health Organization (WHO) menyebutkan, terdapat hampir sekitar 17 juta orang meninggal dunia setiap tahunnya (sekitar 80%) sebagai akibat dari penyakit degeneratif. Pemicu utama terjadinya penyakit degeneratif yaitu karena adanya radikal bebas berlebih yang menyebabkan kerusakan di berbagai bagian sel. Antioksidan adalah zat yang dapat menetralkan radikal bebas. Pletekan (Ruellia tuberosa L.) memiliki senyawa biaoktif yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber antioksidan, diantaranya adalah senyawa fenolik. Untuk mendapatkan senyawa bioaktif dilakukan dengan ekstraksi. Ekstraksi konvensional memiliki beberapa kelemahan, salah satunya menyebabkan rusaknya senyawa senyawa fenolik yang diakibatkan lama waktu ekstraksi Teknik ekstraksi berbantu gelombang mikro atau Microwave Assisted Extraction (MAE) merupakan teknik ekstraksi yang memanfaatkan radiasi gelombang mikro untuk memanaskan pelarut secara cepat dan efisien juga lebih efektif karena dapat menghasilkan rendemen senyawa yang lebih tinggi, dan waktu yang singkat pada ekstraksi senyawa fenol. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kondisi optimum ekstraksi berbantu gelombang mikro terhadap komponen bioaktif berupa senyawa fenolik pada ekstrak etanol daun pletekan (Ruellia tuberosa L.) dan mengetahui karakteristik kimia dan fisik ekstrak daun pletekan (Ruellia tuberosa L.) serta aktivitas antibakteri yang dihasilkan pada kondisi optimum. Penelitian menggunakan rancangan Central Composite Design (CCD) menggunakan metode Response Surface Methodology (RSM). Faktor yang dioptimasi meliputi konsentrasi pelarut etanol (%) yang terbagi pada 3 taraf level uji yaitu 60,70, dan 80%. Daya gelombang mikro (watt) terbagi pada 3 taraf level uji yaitu 100, 250, dan 450 watt. Waktu ekstraksi (menit) terbagi pada 3 taraf level uji yaitu 3, 5, dan 7 menit. Secara umum, penelitian terbagi menjadi tiga tahap yaitu optimasi, verifikasi, dan karakterisasi. Respon yang diukur pada tahap optimasi dan verifikasi adalah total fenol. Karakterisasi meliputi karakterisasi kimia (total flavonoid, aktivitas antibakteri), kimia (rendemen, warna, viskositas), dan mikrobiologi (aktivitas antibakteri). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kondisi optimum ekstraksi senyawa fenolik dari daun pletekan adalah pada konsentrasi pelarut etanol 70%, daya gelombang mikro 250 watt, serta lama ekstraksi selama 5 menit dengan nilai prediksi total fenol adalah 6,258 mg GAE/g. Verifikasi hasil optimasi didapatkan total fenol sebesar 7,698mg GAE/g. Karakterisitik esktrak pada kondisi optimum diketahui memiliki rerata nilai total flavonoid sebesar 0,367 mg QE/g, aktivitas antioksidan dengan nilai IC50 sebesar 61,726 g/ml, dan rendemen ekstrak 14,69%. Berdasarkan skala L*a*b* warna ekstrak memilki nilai L*= 35,95; a*= -12,76; b*= 31,41, dan viskositas sebesar 70,00 c.ps. Sedangkan aktivitas antibakteri ekstrak pada kondisi optimum memilki zona hambat pada S. aureus sebesar 10,22±1,51 mm (ekstrak kasar), 7,22±0,09 mm (ekstrak, 1000 ppm), dan pada E. coli sebesar 10,11±1,00 mm (ekstrak kasar); 7,89±1,39 mm (ekstrak, 1000 ppm)

    Korelasi Bebas-skala dalam Studi Geo-politik Pemilihan

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    Collective behavior is a phenomena emerged from interacting elements of a complex system. This paper is a preliminary study for the spatial analysis to investigate the spatial characteristics from the correlations within election data. We demonstrate the emerged scale-free spatial correlation by the power law exhibited with the correlation length scaled over the size of the system. The analysis confirmed the collective behavior in voting and election processes in which local elements related to the global view of the system. Furthermore, the implementation of the community derectiom algorithm as the result of the election modeled as weighted correlation network demonstrated some correlated geographical clusters and the patterns they represented. Interestingly, the analysis has opened extended explanation on the geo-political characteristics within a nation, as exemplified by observing the election in Germany in 2013. Further analyses investigating the robustness of this aspects are opened

    Divided Information Space: Media Polarization on Twitter during 2019 Indonesian Election

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    Nowadays, the understanding of the impact of social media and online news media on the emergence of extreme polarization in political discourse is one of the most pressing challenges for both science and society. In this study, we investigate the phenomenon of political polarization in the indonesian news media network based on the pattern of news consumption patterns of Twitter users during 2019 Indonesian elections. By modeling news consumption patterns as a bipartite network of news outletsTwitter user, and then projecting to a network of news outlets, we observed the emergence of a number of media communites based on audience similarity. By measuring the political alignments of each news outlet, we shows the politically fragmented Indonesian news media landscape, where each media community becomes an political echo chamber for its audience. Our finding highlight the important role of mainstream media as a bridge of information between political echo chamber in social media environmen

    Korelasi Bebas-skala dalam Studi Geo-politik Pemilihan

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    Collective behavior is a phenomena emerged from interacting elements of a complex system. This paper is a preliminary study for the spatial analysis to investigate the spatial characteristics from the correlations within election data. We demonstrate the emerged scale-free spatial correlation by the power law exhibited with the correlation length scaled over the size of the system. The analysis confirmed the collective behavior in voting and election processes in which local elements related to the global view of the system. Furthermore, the implementation of the community derectiom algorithm as the result of the election modeled as weighted correlation network demonstrated some correlated geographical clusters and the patterns they represented. Interestingly, the analysis has opened extended explanation on the geo-political characteristics within a nation, as exemplified by observing the election in Germany in 2013. Further analyses investigating the robustness of this aspects are opened

    Measuring Media Partisanship during Election: The Case of 2019 Indonesia Election

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    Analysis of media partisanship during election requires an objective measurement of political bias that frames the content of information conveyed to the audience. In this study we propose a method for political stance detection of online news outlets based on the behavior of their audience in social media. The method consists of 3 processing stages, namely hashtag-based user labeling, network-based user labeling and media classification. We applied this methodology to the tweet dataset related to the 2019 Indonesian general election, to observed media alignments during the election. Evaluation results show that the proposed method is very effective in detecting the political affiliation of twitter users as well as predicting the political stance of news media. Over all, the stance of media in the spectrum of political valence confirms the general allegations of media partisanship during 2019 Indonesian election. Further elaboration regarding news consumption behavior shows that low-credibility news outlets tend to have extreme political positions, while partisan readers tend not to question the credibility of the news sources they share